Meet the adorable KleptoCorns! This funny guidebook has everything you need to know about this adorable breed of mischievous mythical creatures.
If you thought the KleptoCats and KleptoDogs were cute, just wait until you meet the KleptoCORNS! These aren't your average, everyday unicorns... they are so much more.
From the creator of KleptoCats and KleptoDogs come these mischievous, mythical animals with a tendency to be light-fingered... er, light-hooved. Our hilarious guidebook includes profiles of over fifty of these scrappy yet cuddly creatures.
Age - 7 to 10
Grade - 2 - 5
Author - Pendergrass, Daphne
Publisher - Scholastic Inc.
Format - Paperback
Pages - 96
Dimensions - 21.8 x 13.5 cms