When Daffy and Porky (well, mostly Daffy) decide to use the Space Replacer to find treasure on the Tennessee frontier, get ready for some tall trouble!
The pair meets up with such legendary American heroes as Davy Crockett and Johnny Applessed. Of course, Daffy doesn't look up to the heroes, because he's already a legend in his own mind. But can our two treasure seekers make their way through the home where the buffalo roam all over them?
You'll find out in the "towering" tale waiting inside.
So y'all c'mon in, sit for a spell, and start readin'!
Age - 7+
Grade - 2nd
Author - Tracey West
Publisher - Scholastic
Format - Paperback
Pages - 58
Dimensions - 19.3 x 13.2 x 0.04 cm