Dinosaur Adventures is an enchanting collection of four original dinosaur tales for kids aged 3+ to enjoy.
- Ideal to be read aloud to young children;
- Stunning illustrations on every page;
- Meet many different species of dinosaurs on your adventures.
Dinosaur Adventures is a fantastic collection of dinosaur tales for toddlers aged 3+. There are four original fiction stories featuring a noisy T rex, a clumsy Ankylosaurus, a speedy Velociraptor, and a ditzy Diplodocus.
The simple stories and clear text make a wonderfully enchanting read for the family to enjoy and the colourful artwork scenes jump off the page, helping to engage and enthrall younger children as they delve into each story.
Age - 3+
Grade - Pre-k+
Category- Dinosaur Stories, Picture Book,
Author - Fran Bromage
Format - Hardback with glitter
Pages - 96
Dimensions - 260 x 260 mm