هـيـا نـتـعـلـم الـريـاضـيـات، الـمـسـتـوى الـثـانـي - Let's Learn Mathematic - Level 2

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A purposeful, entertaining and enjoyable education series, consisting of Two Levels, in each level several books, to teach the language Arabic, English, Mathematics, (Numbers), Islam Education Art Education for Kindergarten and Preschool stages.
Full in examples and easy and varied activities, which reinforce the child's skills, and develop his abilities and intelligence, through his interaction. With him, and help him learn to read and write , as he learns Arabic and English letters and numbers and the pillars of Islam and faith, and it contributes to instilling many drawing skills coloring and art education.

Age - 7+
Grade - 2gr+
Author - Haymur Ghasinah Salih
Publisher - Al-Fursan
Format - Paperback
Pages - 62
Dimensions - 27.8 x 20.8 x 0.6cm


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