A Bad Case of Stripes

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Camilla Cream loves lima beans, but she never eats them. Why? Because the other kids in her school don't like them. Camilla Cream is very worried about what other people think about her, but at the very moment she most wants to fit in, she becomes completely covered in colorful stripes! Worse yet, she seems to change colors to match whatever is happening around her. When the class says the Pledge of Allegiance, she turns red, white, and blue! Instead of blending in, she's standing out.

Specialists are called but the situation goes from bad to worse. Isn't there anyone who can help Camilla remember what it means to be herself?


Age - 2 - 6
Author - David Shannon
Publisher - Scholastic
Format - Paperback
Pages - 32
Dimensions - 27.8 x 22.8 x 0.2 cm

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