Incredible 3D Eye Tricks: The Magical World of Stereograms

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Stereograms are 3-D images hidden within other pictures. They have a long history and their ability to trick our perception has been a source of fascination for centuries. Possessing the ability to infuriate and delight us in equal measure, this brand new collection presents a twist on the usual approach, with each illusion deriving from a realistic photographic scene. Stunning quality of images, all created by acknowledged 'eyetricks' masters, Gene Levine and Gary Priester. Both US-based, Levine and Priester have been at the forefront of the development of this exciting art form. Arturus Publishing are thrilled to present this exciting new collection of images from two of the world's leading creators of stereograms.



Age - 8+
Grade - 3rd
Author - Gene Levine
Publisher - Arcturus
Format - Paperback
Pages - 128
Dimension - 22.23 x 1.27 x 27.31 cm

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