How to Win Friends and Influence People by bestselling author Dale Carnegie gives you time-tested advice and simple techniques on how to deal with people, understand them and get along with them. This book tells you how to: Improve your conversation skills Avoid arguments and win people over Make friends easily Become a people person A phenomenal success that has sold millions of copies worldwide, this book will change the way you approach relationships and better equip you to handle life's situations. A bestseller that has sold millions of copies worldwide Practical tips and helpful advice written in easy-to-understand language Relatable examples from the author's own life as well as people he met Dale Carnegie was the pioneer of the self-help genre and his advice remains relevant to this day
Age - 15+
Author - Dale Carnegie
Publisher - Rupa Publication
Format - Paperback
Pages - 288
Dimensions - 10.8 x 1.65 x 17.78 cm