Hairy Maclary and Zachary Quack

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Hairy Maclary and Zachary Quack is a hilarious rhyming story by Lynley Dodd.

Hairy Maclary is looking for some peace and quiet for his afternoon doze. But everywhere he goes he's followed by an irrepressible yellow duckling, Zachary Quack, who wants to footle and frolic and play. Hairy Maclary keeps trying to skedaddle away only to be followed by the pittery pattery duck! Eventually Hairy Maclary realises that he can't shake off Zachary Quack and they curl up together for a doze in the sun!



Age 3+
Pages - 16
Author Lynley Dodd
Dimensions - 25 x 19 x 0.3cm
Publisher - Puffin
Language - English

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